EU AML CTF Legal System

AML Guru
2 min readDec 21, 2023


The EU has a complex and evolving framework of regulations and directives aimed at preventing and combating money laundering and terrorist financing (AML/CTF). This framework includes key concepts like know your customer (KYC) and customer due diligence (CDD). Here’s a breakdown of the main elements:

Key Legislation:

Fourth AML Directive (2015/849): This forms the central pillar of the EU’s AML/CTF legislation. It outlines obligations for “obliged entities” (such as credit institutions, financial institutions, auditors, and gambling service providers) to implement risk-based AML/CTF measures. These measures include:

  • CDD: Identifying and verifying customer identities, beneficial ownership, and source of funds.
  • Transaction monitoring: Identifying suspicious transactions and reporting them to the authorities.
  • Risk assessment: Identifying and assessing ML/TF risks associated with different customers and business activities.
  • Internal controls: Implementing policies and procedures to prevent ML/TF.

Fifth AML Directive (2019/2173): This directive strengthens provisions on beneficial ownership transparency, cross-border cooperation, and sanctions, aiming to address gaps identified in the Fourth Directive.

Other relevant regulations and directives:

  • Guidelines and recommendations: The European Commission and authorities like the European Banking Authority (EBA) issue guidelines and recommendations to interpret and clarify the AML/CTF legislation. These documents provide practical guidance for obliged entities.
  • National implementation: EU member states are responsible for transposing the directives into their national laws. This can lead to some variations in how the rules are applied across the EU.

Key concepts:

  • Know your customer (KYC): The process of identifying and verifying the identity of a customer, including their beneficial owner (the person who ultimately controls or benefits from the customer).
  • Customer due diligence (CDD): The process of assessing the ML/TF risk associated with a customer and applying appropriate measures to mitigate that risk. This can include simplified due diligence for low-risk customers and enhanced due diligence for high-risk customers.

Current developments:

  • The EU Commission is currently working on a package of proposals to further strengthen the EU’s AML/CTF framework, including the creation of a new EU authority to fight money laundering.

Resources for further information:

